All of the sites that are linked below came to me for restructuring and recoding of current designs that were still in tables, or needed updating.

Dolphin Pool and Spa

My friend Eileen works for a Minnesota based Pool service company and had been trying to maintain her website on her own using FrontPage. She came to me with a several issues that she wanted addressed on the company site. First issue was their contact form - so I tested and tweaked the php for that, and got it going again. She also asked for a sitemap - this was never completed by the previous designer. I also implemented includes for all the navigation menu items thus making it easier for to update in the future.

Shifty Eyed Dog

Sean Harper of Shifty Eyed Dog came to me as a referral from my friend Mike. He had a site already in place and wanted to update some pages. The original markup was not compliant with current web standards, so I updated the pages to be standard compliant using XHTML/CSS. I changed the right navigation to be an include for easier updating and implemented a usable photo gallery.